Your 2019 Town Hall Meetings

Legislators from across the state are heading home in the next few weeks to hear directly from constituents about the issues they care about most. Attend, wear your Husky purple, and speak out on behalf of the UW and public higher education! Now is the time to make your voice heard to your legislators.

Please check out our interactive Town Hall map! On mobile? Click here to access a full list of town hall meetings.

Click on your district from the list or find your location on the map, and see the date and address. Note that some districts are hosting multiple meetings!

What will you say at your town hall meeting in support of UW and higher ed?  Some suggestions:

  • Ask your legislators how they will demonstrate their commitment to higher education this session.
  • Tell them to keep higher education as a top priority this session, and that NOW is the time to consider reinvestment.
  • Remind them that investment keeps tuition affordable and higher education more accessible.
  • Investments that will have the most impact include:
    • Foundational support (including compensation)
    • Support for the State Need Grant/Washington College Promise Scholarship
    • Funding to expand high-demand degrees and facilities to accommodate the expansion

Don’t know your legislative district? Find it here.

Can’t attend or your district isn’t hosting one? Click here to send a message to your lawmakers about the issue you care about most. Further details about the UW’s top priorities can be found here.