Thank You, and Please Thank Your Legislators

We did it!

Alumni and supporters like you sent more than 3000 messages to legislators during the regular and special sessions.  With the support of the UW community, for the first time in four years, the Washington State Legislature has reinvested in higher education.  Some highlights:

  • Higher education received a 12% increase in funding, with $40 million in additional funding for the UW.
  • This investment will allow the UW and other public institutions to freeze tuition at its current rate for undergraduate resident students for at least a year.
  • The budget contains a $9 million investment in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), which will give the UW more resources to prepare its students for these high-demand fields right here in our region.
  • The budget contains no international student surcharge, which may have priced out many students who pay full-rate tuition.

Now it’s time to thank your legislators for their part in passing this favorable budget.  Click here to send an automated note – or to modify it with your own words of thanks.

Learn more about how the Legislature supported higher education in the current budget here.

Read President Young’s statement, which thanks “engaged alumni,” (that’s you!) here.

Many, many thanks to our advocates for your role in this challenging budget session.  Your voices have truly made a difference.