2016 Candidate Survey

UW Impact conducts a non-partisan candidate survey prior to every Washington State legislative election in order to provide alums and UWAA members with information on the candidates who champion the value of public higher education.

Please see below for your candidates’ answers to UW Impact’s 2016 higher education questionnaire. You may search by candidate name, legislative district and sort information within each column by clicking the arrows to the left of the column header. Answers followed by a green plus sign have expanded content. Click the yes or no answer to see the candidate’s full commentary.

If you do not see your candidate(s) listed below, he or she did not fill out a survey.* Want to urge your candidate to do so? Let us know who you’d like to see, and we will contact him or her directly.

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*Indicates an incumbent candidate.



Legislative District:

Would you prioritize increasing funding to the SNG in 2017?…

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Washington's need-based financial aid program, the State Need Grant (SNG), is chronically underfunded. Every year, some 30,000 students who qualify for the SNG do not receive funds due to budget shortfalls. Would you prioritize increasing funding to the SNG in 2017?

Is faculty compensation an issue you would prioritize as a state lawmaker? …

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World-class faculty are critical to maintaining the high-quality teaching, research and innovation that drive our state's economy. A recent report found that the UW would have to increase faculty salaries by an average of 9.6% to equal the mean salary at eight peer institutions (source: UW Office of Planning & Budgeting). Other Washington colleges and universities are in a similar situation, continually losing key faculty to out-of-state offers.

Is expanding access & reducing bottlenecks to high-demand fields like STEM, health care and teacher preparation a priority? …

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By 2020, 70 percent of jobs will require some postsecondary education (source: Seattle Chamber of Commerce). High-demand fields such as healthcare, teaching and STEM fields are among the most critical to fill for Washington's economy. UW students want to take these courses, but there isn't enough classroom space, professors or infrastructure to meet the demand from students or industry. Is this a critical issue to solve in the 2017 legislative session?

In your opinion, what is the most important issue facing the future of the UW and public higher education in Washington State, and how do you propose to solve it?

Bill Bryant Governor N/A Yes

Governor Inslee opposed tuition cuts, but I believe they are essential if we are to keep a college education within reach of middle class families. When I went to college, my parents paid part of my tuition and I worked to pay for the balance and living expenses. College costs have grown so much that, today, that is no longer possible. As governor, I want to ensure a college education is available to all qualified students. I support efforts to lower tuition further and increase funding for low income students and will make it a priority as we address the full spectrum of education funding.

Governor Inslee’s book one budget proposed cutting higher education funding by 10%. That is the wrong direction for Washington. I understand and appreciate our universities’ contribution to Washington’s current and future economy, and will work with university presidents to develop a more sustainable funding plan for higher education.

This is a huge part of why I’m running for governor. Right now, Washington is one of the top states for producing high-skilled jobs but one of the lowest for producing high-skilled graduates. Our STEM programs are bursting at the seams with students who want to develop a career in STEM. It may require changing how the state funds higher education to accommodate the higher costs of some STEM programs, but such an investment will be an essential part of my plan for education in Washington.
The most important issue is ensuring we have an equitably and amply funded education system that gives every kid an equal chance to get ahead. Right now, a student’s access to certain educational opportunities depends too much on one’s school district, with kids in rich districts having access to programs that kids in poor or rural districts might not. This is not only unconstitutional, it’s morally wrong. In addition to fixing our K-12 funding, we need to modernize how we fund higher education. UW is already one of the best universities in the world and by providing significant state support and leveraging the resources we have, Washington should be able to increase opportunities for students to graduate ready to compete and succeed in the global economy.
Sharon Wylie* House, Pos. 1 49 Yes Yes Yes Sustainable and sufficient funding for both basic and post secondary education and training. We will have to utilize multiple strategies. For licensed professional fields I like the idea of investing some of those licensing fees into educating the next general toon of those professionals. Ultimately we will have to make major changes to our tax system in order to address our needs. I favor a capital gains tax, adding sales tax to some professional services, expanding loan forgiveness programs with public service and reducing tax incentives.
Monica Jurado Stonier House, Pos. 2 49 Yes

I created and worked on a bill that would create the Washington Advance Loan Program that would provide low interest loans for students underserved by the SNG or that didn't qualify. I worked with major universities and the student lobbyists to make sure that the bill did not take funds that would otherwise go to the SNG. I have shown, and will continue to show, my commitment to fully funding the State Need Grant and increasing the state investment in higher education to a responsible level.
Yes Yes The most important issue facing UW and public higher education institutions is funding. Universities are struggling to provide competitive wages and facilities for the most talented personnel. Students are struggling to afford tuition and housing. Appropriately funding higher education would provide world class teaching and learning at universities in Washington.
Michelle Darnell House, Pos. 1 48 No

Subsidizing education increases the cost of education. I think we need to discuss education reform on all levels. Our high schools need to be offering alternatives to the standard post secondary track, like apprenticeships and internships. Further, I am concerned that for some students, grants encourage tacking on debt for the tuition not covered by the grant. I would want to explore these issues before immediately increasing funds for such grants. That would be my priority, after that discussion, we can revisit the topic of more funding.

Not a priority this session. We need to address meeting the needs of McCleary first and education reform across the board.

Yes, I think this is a priority. I would like to see less strict licensing standards for educators so that professionals from different fields could be come teachers, more quickly. In this way, they could teach based on experience and knowledge from having a career in the field. Right now there is sort of a monopoly on education. It is a priority for me to address that.
I think the cost of education is rising in part because of government subsidy and increased demand. I think we need to discuss alternates to the standard 4 year post secondary education model. High Schools students need to be offered more choice and we need more private education options. I would like to see private industry encouraged and freed up to respond to the need for more tech , healthcare and STEM field type jobs. I would like to see more apprenticeships and intern programs, starting in about 10th grade. This is not to say that students getting certification in those fields would not someday choose to go back for a higher degree, but they would be more financially capable to do so and likely have the maturity and experience to make better decisions at that point. The current model needs to be reformed. I would hope to encourage that conversation particularly as tax payers are struggling to meet current tax burdens. Most have not enjoyed the same cost of living raises or benefits enjoyed by the public sector. As a legislator I must balance the interests of all stakeholders and protect tax payers.
Joan McBride* House, Pos. 2 48 Yes

Last year we tried to pass legislation that would have funded the SNG for those 30,000 eligible students. I will continue to work on passing that legislation this session.
Yes Yes

This issue has a lot to do with the way our top academics and professors are being called to other states due to higher salary opportunities. In order to address this shortage issue, we will need to also address raising salaries for our faculty.
Ultimately, our state's colleges and institutions of higher learning need more state support and I am happy to support that. I also am highly aware of the need to help our college students deal with an overwhelming amount of debt. It is scaring people away from higher education and it is hindering our students upon graduation, not allowing them to save any money and begin building their futures.
Brooke Valentine House, Pos. 1 47 Yes Yes

I believe that they should be well paid and I would like to make this a priority, however I don't believe in making promises especially when it comes to people's pay checks, that we can't fund.
Mark Hargrove* House, Pos. 1 47 Yes

To clarify, I'm willing to look at increasing funding as we improve how efficiently we are spending those dollars. I introduced a bill last session that would facilitate 8000 additional students to have their college educations paid for by the State Need Grant with no additional cost to the state. I will re-introduce it this session. There are many other ways we can get more bang for our buck for all students, including State Need Grant recipients. See my response to question 7.

Using the free market principle of supply and demand, I'd need to see what would make economic sense.
Yes The most important issue is ensuring accessibility and affordability of post-secondary education for all students, so they don’t graduate with $30,000 in debt. I’ll be looking for ways we can work together to accomplish this. But here are a few ideas for starters: Making sure our universities get their students graduated in four years would cut a huge number of students’ college costs by 20%. Actually using open source text books now, instead of just studying it will reduce each student’s costs by thousands. Ensuring all appropriate credits from CTC’s transfer could save each student thousands. Making sure high school students know what college majors or career paths are likely to result in good jobs and decent incomes might help them avoid changing majors and extra expenses.
Pat Sullivan* House, Pos. 2 47 Yes

We need to fund the backlog and increase the grant so that more students will be able to attend college.

We want to keep the best and the brightest graduates here in Washington sate and that means we need high quality faculty at our state's higher education institutions.

We should partner with the business community to ensure we have adequate infrastructure to teach and train our future innovators and leaders.
There are many critical issues that have a significant impact on the UW. Making sure our K-12 graduates are prepared for college without needing remedial help, keeping the cost of tuition and books down, having the ability to hire extraordinary faculty, and meeting the capital demands so that students have access to world class classrooms and facilities are just a few of the issues that I look forward to addressing over the next 2 years. I also believe strongly that legislators must work with students to ensure we are meeting their needs.
Gerry Pollet* House, Pos. 1 46 Yes

Yes! I am committed to greatly increasing access to the opportunities of higher education to every resident of Washington. Our state does not have an affordable tuition policy. I was the sponsor of the original legislation to reduce tuition and provide funding under a proposed policy that tuition at our research universities should not exceed ten percent of median household income. This was the level of tuition before the Great Recession. Tuition is now twice the median household income. The “cost of attendance” for one student to attend UW is estimated to be affordable – without debt – only for families earning significantly above $100,000. We need to provide State Need Grants to the 30,000 students who are eligible and unserved; and, to expand eligibility and funding to the many students whose family incomes are far below the level at which they can afford the full cost of attendance.

As a UW faculty member (School of Public Health) I constantly see how we lose and fail to attract top quality faculty and graduate students. These are perspectives I share with fellow legislators (as one of just two public university faculty members in the Legislature). Without increasing starting pay, we can’t attract faculty because of the much higher cost of housing and living here in Seattle in comparison to most peer institutions. This pay disparity grows significantly over time due to our having failed as a state to invest in faculty compensation increases. I will be working to have on-going funding to ensure faculty pay does not continue to “compress.” We also can’t attract world class faculty unless we reinvest in graduate education with research and teaching assistantships for graduate students. Top faculty simply won’t go to a university (or stay) when the school is unable to provide graduate student slots and support. Graduate students often stay and grow families and careers where they go to school. But, we have failed to have a state policy to provide support for graduate education.

I was the author of the legislative language committing our state to the goal proposed by the Washington Student Achievement Council for 70% of our state’s residents to have postsecondary workforce certification or a college degree. We have to make a tremendous commitment to provide real opportunities for Washington residents to obtain those degrees and certifications because we are one of the very worst states when it comes to providing higher education opportunities to our own residents. Instead of providing opportunities for residents to have affordable access to higher education, our employers import huge numbers of new employees with the degrees and certifications they need. In 2015, I was asked to develop our House Democrats’ comprehensive proposal to address the severe teacher shortage we face in our state (and nationally). Most of the elements of the comprehensive program developed with our teacher education colleges, teachers, agencies, school districts and others became law. The new law includes my proposal to have a conditional grant program enabling lower income college students who go into teaching fields with severe shortages to have their junior and senior years tuition free if they successfully teach for a full five years. Not only does this program help address our teacher shortage and reduce the high student debt burden faced by many young teachers, but it also will help us diversify our next generation of teachers to reflect the fact that our public school student body is becoming far more diverse. This year, I am bringing together our public higher ed institutions’ teacher education colleges to have a major investment package in expanding teacher college enrollment. Simply put, we can’t lower class sizes as required by the State Supreme Court’s McCleary decision unless we dramatically increase the number of college students who get their teaching degrees and certifications in shortage areas, such as special education or bilingual education. In order to meet our obligations to provide the opportunities of higher education, we need to provide dedicated funding for higher education as we increase funding for our public K-12 schools.
Increasing access so every resident of our state has the opportunity to better their life and that of their families through higher education is the overarching need for higher education in Washington. This requires dedicating significant funding to expanding high quality higher education opportunities, including:
• Investing in the advising and other evidence proven student success efforts that enable students to get their degree or workforce credentials without extra years of bone crushing student debt and are proven to reduce college dropout rates.
• Investing in improving faculty and staff compensation (including reducing the massive over-reliance on part time, faculty at community colleges, who do not receive benefits and are not paid to help mentor or advise students).
• Fully funding the State Need Grant and expanding eligibility to families earning less than the official estimated cost of attending public college debt free.
• Enacting the Washington Promise legislation to provide a guarantee that every student can start their college education at a community college without worrying about tuition – a research proven way to significantly boost high school graduation rates and open the door to college for underrepresented minorities and students who are the first in their family to dream of going to college.
• Expanding the geographic reach of our higher ed programs so place bound parents and other working students can get bachelor degrees, whether in Seattle, elsewhere in King County, Yakima… I urge you to join me in supporting the revenues we need to make this possible, including a capital gains tax (with the base dedicated to K-12 basic education and the additional several hundred million dollars a year dedicated to higher education); beginning to tax wealth in our state; and, closing massive corporate tax loopholes that enable some of the wealthiest corporations in the world to pay no taxes on their investment income or which allow agri-biz to pay no taxes for our investments in higher education.
Jessyn Farrell* House, Pos. 2 46 Yes

I am a graduate of UW and went there at a time when tuition was affordable for middle class families. In an era of McCleary and needing to fully fund our constitutional obligation to our K-12 students, we cannot continue to let a lack of affordability of our public university system get in the way of those same students achieving their dreams. I support new revenue to continue to lower tuition and fund State Need Grants.

In addition to affordability, we need to prioritize recruiting and retaining world class faculty. As a legislator, I will champion this issue.

As mentioned in question 4, we need to make investments in our K-12 this session but we should also make investments in our public university system so that Washington students can pursue affordable post-secondary education. Clearly, we need to ensure that students who are interested in pursuing STEM careers have the classes and resources available to them to do so. I support improving this situation in the next session.
I am proud to be a graduate of the University of Washington and want to fight for current and future students so that they can have access to the same great education I did. Again, because we have major obligations to our K-12 system as well as our mental health system, we must pursue new revenue for the state general fund and use that revenue to invest in the next generation of Washington students who want to pursue higher education in Washington State.
Ramiro Valderrama House, Pos. 1 45 Yes

We need to ensure that we have a well educated work force and must ensure that the low income students also receive the education required in our innovative work force.

I ma supportive of being competitive but would want to see who are they comparing themselves with to ensure we are on a peer to peer basis of comparable.

I also serve as an advisor to the the Lake Washington School District STEM Start up program.
Ensuring that all our kids across the state are receiving a quality education so they can enter and thrive in higher ed and in the work place.
Larry Springer* House, Pos. 2 45 Yes Yes Yes Getting the public and legislators to accept the idea that our education system cannot be separated into early childhood ed, K-12, and higher ed. It should be seen as seamless system that needs to be paid for from start to finish.
Roger Goodman* House, Pos. 1 45 Yes Yes Yes In the immediate future (the next legislative session) the Legislature must "backfill" the funding to UW and other public higher ed institutions to preserve the tuition cut we enacted in the last session. Moving into the future, the State of Washington must step up its level of sustainable funding for higher ed across the board, especially to develop our own home-grown human capital for the high-demand fields in our region, while also sustaining generous financial aid (State Need Grant and Opportunity Scholarships) to ensure equity in educational opportunity.
Dan Shih House, Pos. 1 43 Yes

The State Need Grant (SNG) is an effective program for promoting access to higher education, maintaining diversity at our colleges and universities, and enabling students to complete their degrees. Students from lower-income families face enough challenges on their way to getting a college degree, and the SNG addresses the critical challenge of affordability. Lawmakers in the last biennium demonstrated that hundreds of millions of dollars could be raised for higher education by closing certain tax exemptions. We should go farther and fully fund the SNG so that all students have access to the opportunities provided by higher education.

The University of Washington is one of our nation’s premier institutions of higher education. To maintain that level of excellence, we must provide competitive compensation so that we are able to recruit and retain top-notch faculty.

The gap between what students want to study and the demand that the UW is able to fulfill is an urgent issue for the coming legislative session. Every year that passes without addressing the gap represents another cohort of Washington students less well-prepared for the high-demand jobs in our economy, with long-term implications for their earning potential. It also means more high-paying jobs taken by new residents (exacerbating our housing shortage) or created elsewhere in the world instead.
The most important issue facing the UW and public higher education is reestablishing our state’s commitment to supporting public higher education at levels comparable to a couple of generations ago. Forty years ago, 72% of the cost of public education was covered by the government. That allowed many bright students, regardless of income, to achieve their potential, helping to make our region a leader in aerospace, medicine, computing, and other fields. Now the government covers only 35%, and that difference means college is too expensive for many students and drives the great burden of student debt. Investing in higher education is critical to maintaining our region’s leadership, ensuring opportunity, and creating more well-paying jobs.
Nicole Macri House, Pos. 1 43 Yes

During the upcoming legislative session, certain legislators will attempt to fulfill the obligations of McCleary through cuts to funding for higher education. I believe that we can fund McCleary and still increase investment in our public universities. The State Need Grant (SNG) is a critical program enabling youth whose families have low incomes to obtain an education that leads to a living wage. Increasing funding for the SNG program will undoubtedly help to resolve some of the inequities of our higher education system. As a legislator, I will prioritize increasing public investment in the SNG during budget negotiations. My experience working directly on some of the most challenging public social problems of our time – including homelessness, healthcare access, and affordable housing – lays the groundwork for me to become an effective state representative on behalf of students in higher education.

Educator compensation in higher ed is a major issue in our state and as a legislator, I will prioritize this issue. I am proud to have received the sole endorsements of SEIU 925, UAW 4121 and AFT AFL-CIO. These union organizations work to improve compensation and benefits for college and university employees across the state. As a legislator, I will seek to secure competitive wages and benefits for higher ed faculty members across our state.

As an employer in the field of behavioral healthcare, I am acutely aware of the need for workforce expansion and stabilization. The education and STEM sectors face similar challenges. This is a critical issue for me. I am proud to be endorsed by healthcare workers and educators focused on solving this challenge, including SEIU 775, 925 & 1199NW; Washington State Nurses Association; and Washington Education Association. Fully funding higher education academics, infrastructure and financial assistance will make a significant contribution to ensuring that we meet workforce demand. I will strongly advocate for fully funding higher education. I will work with stakeholders in relevant postsecondary education policy experts, with major employers in Washington, and other stakeholders to develop creative ways to meet workforce needs.
The perpetual underfunding of public higher education is the most important issue that faces the future of these institutions. We must increase state revenue to ensure that our public universities have enough funding to provide quality academic programs, and the support services needed to ensure success for diverse group of students. We can do this by bringing more transparency to the tax system, sun-setting outdated or ineffective tax exemptions, and implementing a capital gains tax (and eventually, an income tax) while lowering sales tax which disproportionately impacts people with the lowest incomes.
Tracy Atwood House, Pos. 2 42 Yes Yes Yes Funding and infrastructure are critical for all of our institutes of higher learning. Making college accessible for lower and middle class students is paramount to being able to continue to push funding. I intend to research and find a way to offset up to 2 years of higher education for In-State students without putting that burden on the schools. With this, we reduce student debt, continue to provide quality education and make these opportunities available to students who might not otherwise be able to open the door to a quality higher education.
Sharlaine LaClair House, Pos. 1 42 Yes

Yes, it is critical that students be afforded the opportunity to attend college by increasing the State Need Grant to eligible students to ensure that college is affordable and accessible to all.

Faculty salaries must be competitive in order to recruit, retain and attract world-class faculty. As a recent graduate with my Master's in Public Administration this June 2016, I invested significant time and resources into my education. Having high-quality faculty is essential to preparing a highly skilled workforce that can advance our State's health, vitality, economy and well-being.

As a top academic institution in the State of Washington, UW and other universities must be equipped with resources to build capacity to meet identified needs in our various job sectors especially in critical fields such as healthcare, teaching and STEM. 2020 is only a few years away, this critical issue must be addressed now.
UW and public higher education in Washington State are struggling to meet the growing demands to meet post-secondary education needs. Structural issues related to funding of our public education systems must be addressed. Fiscal responsibility is essential to solving these issues. First, the legislature must explore fiscal efficiencies that can be achieved by delivering essential governmental services that fulfill legal obligations and most importantly the expectations of our constituents. Second, the revenue structure must be explored to ensure that all participate fairly and that any tax-breaks provided serve their intended purpose to create jobs and stimulate the economy, to eliminate those that do not and to ensure the top 1-2% pay their fair share of taxes. Thirdly, while keeping as many people's taxes as low as possible, new revenues must be identified and budgeted towards the most essential needs of our State including the need to have at least 70% of our workforce receiving post-secondary education.
John Pass House, Pos. 1 41 Yes

As a former SNG recipient, I personally understand the need for this type of funding and place high importance it.

I believe it is necessary to attract and retain the best talent to stay competitive.

As a parent with children in public schools, it has been frustrating to experience that STEM courses are not offered in our area. I see the value at the college level of all the courses mentioned above.
Tuition is still too high. This can create massive amounts of student loan debt. I am consulting with members of the house and senate and we are working on solutions to address this issue and other education issues.
Ronda Metcalf House, Pos. 2 39 Yes

I support using new tax revenues from our growth to fund the State Need Grant to help more students go to college and be trained to participate in our state workforce. I also support partnerships between colleges and industry to provide scholarships and paths to career jobs for our state's college students.

I would prioritize as a state law maker how we can make our universities and colleges more effective, including where we need to raise the pay for faculty to ensure that we have the specialties we need to meet the workforce needs of the future, as well we have the expertise in business and other fields to promote entrepreneurship and creativity among our next generations.

It is critical that we equip our next generations to be adept not only in the STEM fields, but also in the STEAM -- including the arts. We need science, health care and teaching professionals. We also need entrepreneurs, architects, fine crafts people to address all aspects of our future job growth. I will make this a statewide priority.
Funding and finetuning -- ensuring we have the funding to help students with tuition and pay faculty, while finetuning the good work already being done to meet the future workforce needs. Never forgetting that this state's economy was built on science and creativity.
Linda Wright House, Pos. 1 39 Yes

I feel strongly about giving our students every opportunity to attend college. And will support responsible ways to fund SNG. We may have to think outside of the box to do it but I believe we can.

SEIU Local 925 is currently supporting adjunct facility because after years of college and degree's they are treated as basically substitutes never able to get medical or build any retirement. This practice happens in all colleges and needs to be stopped. I support addressing this issue and working towards a solution. This is where I am currently employed, so I have already been in the fight to draw attention to this injustice.

Our students need to have access to classes. We need to prioritize space, professors and invest in infrastructure. Continue to fund appropriately. And make sure that we get our students in and out of the educations system so they can start careers in a competitive market.
Funding. Work force development / Staffing and available classes.
Mike Sells* House, Pos. 2 38 Yes Yes Yes Affordability in Higher Education and education across the board. We will have to raise revenue or take it from somewhere else.
John Dickinson House, Pos. 1 37 Yes

My son was very fortunate to have teachers who plugged him into low income assistance. He did graduated after four wonderful years at the UW without a penny of debt. As a parent I owe immense gratitude to the programs that allowed him to graduate. These programs should be open to all so every student isn't indebted to their education provider.

Education priorities is the reason I am running for this office. The incumbent has failed her duties to lead education policies. Our state's education ratings is near the bottom. I remember well the free spending years when the UW was buying up the top faculty from wherever, paying top dollars to get the UW to the high status of research faculty it has today. With good faculty we get good students. It is simple.

My mother taught public school for 25 years, and my father was appointed to Kings Point Academy. Education is in my DNA (something my UW son will soon get his Phd in at the top U in the nation) I received my MPA from SU in 1995 and am well aware of its importance these days. I feel there is not argument over who is more qualified to chair the education committee, get them out of contempt of court, move our educational system out of its low ratings.
Some will disagree but I feel strongly that much of the new funding needed can be found by extreme measures to lower the budgets of our schools. Without sacrificing education we can save operating costs by simply converting all buildings to LED and induction lighting. Laughable one might assume, but after working at our known around the world, Lighting Design Lab under a motto that "... we could save the energy produced by all our nuclear plants if we switched to present day efficient lighting in only the commercial sector..." and this statement was made during the compact fluorescent lighting times, 25 years ago. Comprehensive demand side management would free 20% of the operating costs at any highly illuminated facility.
Reuven Carlyle* Senate 36 Yes

I remain deeply committed to fully funding our broad public obligation around financial aid including state need grant, Passport to College and the range of other programs.

I have a strong record of fighting for access, affordability and quality in higher education.

A strong capital and operating budget effort is essential.
Meeting the needs of 21st Century economy and civic life.
Gael Tarleton* House, Pos. 2 36 Yes

Each year since 2013, I have joined with Reps. Bergquist, Pollet, Reykdal, Sells and others to make fully funding SNG a top budget priority, sending letters to the House budget writers. We will continue to be a voice for fairness and equity for these students who deserve a chance to pursue their college dreams too.

I spent 8.5 years as a research advisor and development officer at UW, supporting faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences, Engineering, and Information School from 2004-2012. My job was to help faculty win research and education grants and gifts from public and private funders. I also worked closely with and helped mentor the graduate and undergraduate students whose part-time jobs depended on faculty research grants. I was elected to the state legislature in 2012 and resigned from UW when I went to Olympia in 2013. I sought a seat on the House Higher Education committee, where I have served since first being elected. From Day 1 on that committee, I have been a champion for restoring the state's funding to our public higher ed institutions. Why? Because the vast majority of institutional funding goes toward paying faculty salaries. The faculty are the university's competitive edge. Universities can't win federal research dollars without the very best faculty writing the proposals and performing as principal investigators. The faculty attract the very best graduate and undergraduate students. The faculty win research grants and give our students part-time jobs as research assistants. I helped my colleagues understand the connection between institutional funding and faculty being able to bring in the research funding - and in the 2013-2015 budget we began to restore institutional funding to our public higher ed institutions for the first time in more than 20 years. Then we built on that success in the 2015-2017 budget. I will continue to be this voice to advocate for public higher ed institutional funding. Our faculty win research grants from federal and private sources and that money is responsible for generating as much as 35 percent of the operating revenues for UW every year.

I say "yes" but want to note this: it's a priority for every year, for as far as the eye can see. Here's the motivation: we must prepare for larger and larger numbers of students graduating from high school in the coming 10 years. These students will come from highly diverse backgrounds, have taken STEM courses since grade school, and will be ready to tackle emerging challenges in health, climate, cyber infrastructure, and brain sciences and critical technological fields. The state's investment in our public higher ed capital infrastructure needs a long-term plan and may need to evolve. Instead of thinking about the capital needs of each institution, we may need to conduct a strategic assessment of the capital facilities already built, where they are located, and what gaps we must fill. We may need to explore a capital investment strategy that ensures faculty and students have access to laboratories within the higher ed system and not necessarily where they teach or enroll. The state's ability to serve all our faculty and students depends on our thoughtful approach to siting facilities where they serve our people today and 50 years from now.
Three years ago, I believed the greatest risk facing UW and our 4-year public higher ed institutions was the state's systematic disinvestment in higher ed. The state was abdicating its responsibility to the point where tuition (private money) skyrocketed and federal research grants (public money) provided a larger and larger percentage of UW's annual operating budget. We were on a slippery slope to a place I never thought was possible: where the state stopped funding our public institutions and left the institutions to self-finance. When UW celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2011, the state was funding approximately 8-9 percent of UW's annual budget. That's what I called a crisis for our state. We've begun to reverse this slippery slope because enough of us legislators recognized the risks in 2013 and began to take action. Three years later, I believe we face a different challenge: There is no constitutional mandate to fund our public higher ed institutions. But there is a known population of students - approximately 180,000 low-income students today and increasing each year - who have taken the College-Bound pledge in 8th grade to graduate from high school. These students are promised free tuition if they earn their high school diplomas. College-Bound may prove to be one of the most successful efforts in our state's history to reduce high-school drop-out rates for our children most at risk. As our state's population grows and our high school graduation rates improve, our state's legislature together with the UW and our public higher ed system as a whole must be ready. We must honor those who took the College-Bound pledge and provide the funding we promised. We must have space at our flagship university to open the doors to opportunity for every student. We must sustain institutional funding levels to protect everything we have built in our state. If we do all these things, we will reach UW's 175th anniversary in 2036 knowing we did all we could to create equal access to an exceptional higher education for all our people.
Craig Patti House, Pos. 2 35 Yes

As a recent college graduate myself (non-traditional), I understand the financial pressures that are placed upon students to obtain education and training needed to succeed in the 21st Century.
Yes Yes The most pressing issue is access and readiness for college. We need to ensure that students entering college are academically prepared and not needing remedial course work. We also need to expand space to allow for the high-demand programs that are needed to fill the job market.
Irene Bowling House, Pos. 1 35 Yes

Not only middle class but especially low income students need help in paying tuition. Tuition costs must come down to enable ALL of our deserving students get a chance at a first rate education.

I received a doctorate from U.of W. I know first hand what top teachers mean to an institution and also to a students' future. This would be a high priority for me as a legislator.
Yes Funding education K through college and developing the resources to do it, is a top priority for me. This will require closing identified tax exemptions and loopholes, prioritizing education programs in the state budget, and working with industry and corporations in research and manufacturing to sustain and enhance our institutions of higher education.
Matthew Benson House, Pos. 1 34 Yes

I would support fully funding the State Need Grant, as well as continuing to lower resident undergraduate tuition. Student loans are a huge issue that many people my age face and it's something that needs to be solved.

I do not know enough of the details to make a opinion on this that I could defend.
Yes I believe student loan debt is one of the largest issues facing college students. If elected I would continue to push for lower the college tuition as well as cutting taxes so that college students and graduates could keep more of the money they earn.
Joe Fitzgibbon* House, Pos. 2 34 Yes

All budget priorities will be under pressure as we face the need to find $3.5 billion for K-12 teacher compensation. As such we will need to raise substantial revenue in order to be able to fund priorities such as state need grant, and I hope to work with UW Impact on this.

Yes, increased funding to attract and retain top-quality faculty at Washington's colleges and universities is necessary and valuable. Again, new revenue will be necessary if higher education is not going to be further squeezed by McCleary funding.

Yes. We particularly need employers in these high-demand fields to chip in for the cost of educating their workforce.
The most important issue is the shortage of financial resources since the cuts of the recession and the McCleary era. We have much ground to make up and this will require a shared effort to increase revenue.
Andrew Pilloud House, Pos. 2 34 Yes

Yes, but I think this is lower in priority than K-12 education funding and finding a sustainable fix to the growth in the cost of education.
No Yes I believe the most important issue is the growth in the cost of higher education. I feel we can solve these problems through expansion of cost effective programs such as university branch campuses collocated with community colleges.
Richard (Rick) G. Thomas, Jr House, Pos. 1 29 Yes Unsure

Given the constitutional requirement for the legislature to fund public education, ensuring full funding of K-12 education will be my first funding priority. The funding of the State Need Grant for low-income students (as outlined in question 4) would be the next priority for available education dollars. Addressing faculty salary may well be warranted - in order to determine that, I would first examine conditions at UW's eight peer institutions - and, if so, this challenge would rank highly among the many remaining priorities.

This could certainly be an issue worthy of address in the next legislative session once K-12 funding, SNG funding and the expansion of vocational/technical education in our high schools - so as to meet the needs of those children more interested in vocational training than college - have been addressed.
In my opinion, the most important issue facing the future of public higher education in Washington State - including the UW - is making post-secondary education affordable for students, and especially qualified low-income students.
Steve Kirby* House, Pos. 2 29 Yes Yes Yes The legislature is facing a monumental task in fully funding education. As we have those discussions, we should look at the entire public education system - not just K-12 education. If that means telling the Supreme Court to back off and let the legislature do things differently than they want us to, then so be it.
Richard (Dick) Muri* House, Pos. 1 28 No

Fully funding McCleary obligations and a continued effort to lower college tuition would be my higher priority.

Fully funding McCleary obligations and a continued effort to lower college tuition would be my higher priority.
Yes Yes
Jeannie Darneille Senate 27 Yes Unsure

It would be informative to know which "peer institutions" were surveyed, of course.

The capital budget needs of institutions in Washington are identified through a competitive process before recommendations come to the legislature. The UW will undoubtedly make this a priority, given the statement above.
Providing a supportive path forward for students from families with low incomes to fully utilize the College Bound Scholarship.
Jake Fey* House, Pos. 2 27 Yes

I am strongly committed to reducing the cost of higher education.

The State needs to attract the best faculty we can. We also need to maintain competiveness in the marketplace.

While it is a challenge to ensure there are adequate facilities for our state colleges, the State must continue to provide funding for this purpose.
It is no surprise to anyone that adequate funding is the underlying issue for higher education including the University of Washington. We have to have more revenue.
Larry Seaquist House, Pos. 1 26 Yes

As Chair of the House Higher Ed Committee, I led the battle to restore full funding for our State Need Grant. Also needed, fully funding our state WorkStudy program and the specialized tuition support programs for students in particular, high demand curricula. More, we need to stop the "tuition farming" of grad students.

We're hemorrhaging high quality faculty. Just like in our K12 system where we have to radically increase teacher and staff compensation, we need to greatly boost compensation for our higher ed professionals. This definitely must include investing in full time faculty and limiting the use of adjuncts.

The key point is that we must grow our university and college system to accommodate much higher student loads. We are becoming an undereducated state.
As a state our single biggest problem is equity. We are leaving behind large numbers of low income, minority, first-generation students. UW and all our colleges and universities need to be funded so that every student in the state has the opportunity to get a high quality, no-debt education. Bottom line: we need to make radically larger investments in higher ed at the same time we are stepping up to full funding for our K12 system of local public schools. I'm committed to that goal.
Randy Spitzer House, Pos. 2 26 Yes

Education is, by far, the best investment the state can make in order to address the problems of underemployment, income inequality and job creation. Our state needs highly educated, highly skilled workers in order for us to compete in the global marketplace. Investing in financial aid for low-income students helps us break the cycle of poverty in low-income families.

Unless salaries and benefits are competitive for faculty at the UW and other state universities we will continue to lose them to other education institutions that pay more. If Washington is going to be able to compete in the global market, we need to pay competitive wages to our faculty.

For the last several years, even decades, the legislature has chronically underfunded postsecondary education. If we want our students to be able to compete for top jobs in Washington we need to provide more funding for our colleges and technical schools.
We need to work harder to make college affordable for students in Washington. This includes keeping tuition low, providing grants, and making access to low-interest loans more possible. However, given the crises of K-12 funding and mental health funding, we are unlikely to be able to address funding for postsecondary education without significant tax reform. Washington state is now the most regressive state tax system in the country with those at the bottom paying about $1 for every six that they earn, while our most prosperous citizens pay as little as $1 for every 42 they earn. This is neither morally defensible or fiscally smart. It's time for us to reduce our dependence on a regressive tax system that punishes the working poor, seniors and the middle class, and for the first time, ask our wealthier citizens to pay their fair share.
Hans Zeiger* Senate 25 Yes

I have been a proponent of SNG funding during my time in the legislature and believe that we should work to narrow the SNG gap in 2017.
Unsure Yes

I have proposed legislation to create a performance funding system in Washington four-year higher education that would incentivize high-demand degree completion.
Affordability is the major issue in public higher education. We can address this by maintaining our state's current tuition limitation policy as passed by the legislature in 2015.
Michelle Chatterton House, Pos. 2 25 Yes

I would absolutely prioritize increasing funding to the SNG. Additional state dollars for higher education should go towards the students who need it most to attend and graduate. Funding the State Need Grant is essential to making college more affordable to all, especially first generation students and students of color. Even among students who receive the SNG, half still must borrow money to pay for tuition. The goal of the SNG is to assist all students to qualify, and we are currently failing over 30,000 of those students.

Washington needs to invest in our faculty to provide students with the quality education they are paying for. Providing market-rate faculty salary and benefits is a challenge I would consider seriously as a lawmaker and work towards improving. In the 2017 session, however, the highest budget priority will have to be court-ordered funding of K-12 public schools.

We need to make more investments in capital projects at UW and other higher education institutions. Our higher education system is not able to produce enough graduates to meet the evolving needs of Washington's economy. We need to better equip our workforce with the skills and education they need to get hired in a global economy. Investing in job training in these high-demand fields would also provide a high return on investment for our state's economy economy.
College access and affordability is the most important issue facing institutions of higher learning in Washington, including the UW. Students should not be discouraged from getting their degree based on financial barriers, especially as we progress into a workforce that requires postsecondary education. State government needs to reverse the gradual decline in state higher education funding that has taken place since the 1980s and dramatically accelerated during the Great Recession. The costs of a degree continue to rise, and when state government doesn’t pay the share it once did the costs fall on students and their families. Beyond the state level, the federal government needs to establish and reform better student loan programs that do not charge students the high interest rates many are forced to pay. I support student loan forgiveness programs in government jobs like teaching.
Mike Chapman House, Pos. 1 24 Yes

We need to make a further commitment to higher education and provide needed resources for those who need them most.

Teacher pay must be competitive in order to retain world-class educators in our State.

The Legislature must make a commitment to making sure students have access to classes in these areas.
Access to higher education should be available for all who want to attend. The challenge is finding the funding necessary to keep access open. I am open to new revenue in order to fully fund our basic education and higher education system in our State.
Beth Doglio House, Pos. 2 22 Yes Yes Yes

I think this is a critical issue to solve over time. Just not sure that 2017 is when it will get done - surely we will work on it though to help lay the groundwork for action in future sessions.
I am no expert in higher ed. But, student debt, professor pay, and increasing access to education in the most sought after fields are very important issues and I look forward to learning more from you in an effort to move the ball forward on these issues.
Sam Hunt* Senate 22 Yes

We have priced out too many students who want to go to college. I support funding SNG and am willing to vote for new revenue to accomplish this.

I would love to do it, but given state employee collective bargaining and other funding demands, I am just not sure it is achievable.

We need to begin to increase our emphasis on STEM, but we cannot achieve all that is needed in one biennium. And I do not want to put other areas at risk. As a former English teacher, I want the STEM students to be able to read and write with excellence, too.
Beating the Huskies in the Apple Cup! Second, working to get stable and sustainable funding so we can end the tuition spiral and support quality education. And that is a monumental task we have wrestled with for years.
Laurie Dolan House, Pos. 1 22 Yes Yes Yes After graduating from the UW, I spent 30 years working in the Spokane Public Schools, starting out teaching first grade and ultimately supervising school principals for the last 18 years of my career. Once I retired, I moved to Olympia and served as Governor Gregoire's Director of Policy from 2005-2009, during the time that we completed the "Washington Learns" study. I have a PhD in organizational leadership, and taught as an adjunct professor at Gonzaga. The main reason I am running for the legislature is to try to "thread the needle" to more state revenue. Until we implement a state progressive income tax or capital gains taxes, our revenue will not be adequate to support the early learning, K-12, and higher education that our students and state deserve. I plan to spend the next years of my life, both politically and legislatively, to remedy this problem.
Lillian Ortiz-Self* House, Pos. 2 21 Yes Yes Yes

It should be something we continue to look at every session until this need is met.
Making education affordable and assuring all students have access to me is one of the most important issues facing higher education along with the one's mentioned above. Funding State need grants adequately and identifying loop holes that are barriers for our students is important. I introduced the college bound scholarship bill last session to eliminate one of those loopholes for 4,000 students that would qualify for that program. I will continue to introduce and advocate for bills that address the issues above.
Kathy Gillespie House, Pos. 2 18 Yes Unsure

I'm interested in learning more. Attracting and retaining top educators across all disciplines must be a priority for our future.
Yes Investing in people and infrastructure on the UW campus and other public colleges and universities across the state AND investing in not only fully funding basic education but also investing in career and technical education. We must invest the necessary dollars to educate citizens, reduce the costs of attending higher ed and technical colleges and lay the foundation for our future. We are spending too much on corporate tax preferences which have ballooned in the last 20 years from $18B to $36B. We need to sunset those preferences that are not delivering a return on our investment and invest resources in our education institutions. We also need to look at our overall tax policy which is unstable and regressive to find a stable, fair package that the majority of the Legislature can support.
Sam Kim House, Pos. 1 17 Yes

I'll also focus on reducing student loan debt.

The quality of instruction is critical for UW to maintain its standing.

Beyond a formal degree, we must focus on skills and education, including professional certifications.
Making quality education affordable for all qualified students should be a priority. Instead of trying to be everything to everyone, higher ed in Washington State needs to focus on training for marketable skills rather than mere degrees. Funding from the legislature should reflect getting the students ready to work, including internships, apprenticeships, and co-op programs.
Rebecca Francik House, Pos. 1 16 Yes Yes Yes Students cannot afford tuition. They graduate with tremendous debt loads. K-12 is underfunded and is sending students to college who are not ready for post secondary rigor. Recognizing how important post secondary education is in our future economy it is imperative the state begins to help with the cost of college tuition in percentages it supported in the 1970's. It is time to sunset many of the business loopholes we currently grant and ask institutions who are requesting foreign visas in order to find workers from other countries to become more active in financing public education.
Gary Downing House, Pos. 2 16 Yes Yes

I am prioritizing all education in our state of Washington.
Yes Since retiring from the Richland School District as of June of 2015 after 30 years I understand how important all education is. I will work on doing all I can to increase alternative revenue and proper direction for the funding of all education in our state.
AJ Cooper House, Pos. 2 15 Yes

I do not want to make promises I can not keep, but Education is one of my highest priorities. Right now the K-12 are very under funded, and I feel should also be addressed along with rising costs of tuition.

Washington State has an issue with keeping teachers employed in the state. Low salaries and an unsupportive system are to blame, and I will do everything in my power to remedy this issue.

I agree more and more jobs are requiring higher education which is why the rise in tuition is such a critical issue. The living wages have not kept up with the exponential rise of tuition.
I would like to create a supportive system to keep students in school. The drop out rate is too high especially in a job market requiring higher education.
Susan Soto Palmer House, Pos. 1 14 Yes Yes Yes Affordability and access to higher education are important and critical issues. I would begin by discussing obstacles with students, parents and educators seeking balanced solutions with people who are affected by these issues and also determine what other issues may be hindering public higher education.
Dan Maher House, Pos. 1 12 Yes Yes

The great recession is over! Our public employee salaries have stagnated. I will fight to recover our faculty salaries back to a competitive rate.

In my personal experience of working in public and private sector jobs, my college education has had unmeasurable positive impact on my career. Our state needs to fund and nurture the higher education assets of our institutions. .
Our legislature needs to find fair ways to increase the revenues for our state. Our state has real needs that have to be funded like higher education. Higher education should available and affordable for all Washingtonians who desire a higher education.
Erin Smith Aboudara House, Pos. 1 11 Yes

However, I am not willing to raise taxes in order to accomplish this.

UW pays rather handsomely already as I understand.

In the next session, K-12 education funding should be the primary priority, in accordance with the McCleary court decision. Until our K-12 issues have been fully addressed, I cannot see that increasing STEM course access at universities is the need at this time. There are many public and private colleges/universities in the Western US to serve motivated students to locate the programs they wish to pursue to meet their educational and career goals until a future session.
UW in particular often accepts many out of state and international students and those of us who pay the taxes and work in WA would like OUR children to have more opportunities FIRST. It is not okay with my mother who is an 1969 BSN alumni. I hope that the UW in particular is aware of this by now. The in-state tuition is very high already.
Doris Brevoort House, Pos. 2 10 Yes

It was a step for the Legislature to lower tuition by 15%... but for students who can't afford even the lowered tuition, the opportunity for college education may still be beyond their grasp. Washington State needs to fund the SNG because the State needs educated professionals in the workforce! Children need to see their parents attending college and becoming successful in many vital professions. Funding for the SNG is another reason that the State Legislature needs to create a sustainable, equitable funding stream for WA State. On a personal note, I used student loan funding in the 1980's to finish prerequisites at North Seattle Community College and attend The Evergreen State College for my K-8 Teaching Certificate and Science 4-12 endorsement. I then used student loan funding to earn my School Counseling Certification with a M.Ed. at University of Washington (1991). I paid back my loan. I worked in Seattle Schools as an educator for over 25 years. I also earned a PhD in Human Science at Saybrook University (San Francisco, 2012) with focus on applications of neuroscience to education. As a single woman, the availability of funding at the early stages of my college education made my career possible.

Yes, I believe that a world-class faculty is essential to University of Washington. I would like more information comparing the expectations and benefits accompanying faculty salaries, etc. in order to more fully understand the 9,6% salary gap. I understand that Washington would be in a lesser position to attract and retain faculty.

This is a critical issue to address in the 2017 and future sessions. UW and other colleges, including Seattle's previously "community" colleges, would best help feed the stream sending students to finish training in healthcare fields, education, and other STEM careers at UW. There are large gaps in available practitioners in healthcare fields, including family doctors and psychiatrists. There are certainly not enough K-12 teachers to fill positions in WA State, and a large turnover in the workforce. STEM demand keeps growing. This issue will not be solved in the 2017 session-- we will have our hands full simply funding K-12 common schools. But the entire system-- Legislature, Colleges, and University components in WA State need to work together to plan and prepare for population growth, growth in demand and economic opportunity in order to keep WA State competitive into the next decades.
This question is very broad for me, a potential new State Representative, to respond to! I will repeat my statement from the first question-- WA State needs to create a sustainable, more equitable funding stream in order to fund its education, social services, repair outdated infrastructure, and expand public transportation. Without a reliable funding stream, the common schools will continue to struggle to educate the next generation of students entering post-secondary opportunities, including UW. And, the State will continue needing to "rob Peter to pay Paul" in its services. I propose to solve this by working in an informed and transparent way with other members of the Legislature to craft an income stream that is less regressive than the current combination of business and operations and sales tax. I believe that a new stream will initially consist of closing existing tax loopholes, holding corporations accountable for paying their share of taxes and keeping up the basis for their preferential tax breaks. WA State will need to add some form of tax on capital gains or financial transactions in order to fully fund common schools as well as address the years of deferred maintenance of the infrastructure.
Barbara Bailey* Senate 10 Yes Yes Yes

Increasing opportunities in these fields is something we have talked about for the past couple of years. We recognize the importance of getting our students prepared to fill these critical areas.
Keeping degree options affordable for the middle class. We can't allow our students to be burdened with debt when the graduate. "Degree in Three" is an option.
Angie Homola Senate 10 Yes

Funding must be expanded if SNG is to be successful. Costs to provide tuition services have doubled over the past 10 years with only 74,000 of the 106,000 eligible students received funding from 2012-2013 with an ever increasing need. By serving only a small sector of those at the lowest levels of income, the middle income students are underserved. This not a effective or efficient method of serving a broad spectrum of students.

Without competitive salaries, quality teachers will leave our Washington school system. If we want our next generation to have the tools they need to succeed, we must give them a quality education, and thus high quality instructors. Instructors deserve competitive and equitable wages. Teachers have one of the most, if not the most, important job in our communities. They shape the lives and the future of humankind and thus the state of our civilizations and how those civilizations interact with the natural world.

If we are going to provide a college degree in four years, you have to provide the number of courses needed in each 1/4 for students to stay on schedule. When courses are not available an entire curriculum process is interrupted which can extend graduation making it even more costly for students to afford a degree. This is especially important when the job market is ripe in certain sectors, and institutions are not enabling job ready candidates in a timely fashion.
Lack of funds and an unrealistic and totally irrational belief that Washington State Government has plenty of money. Legislators must admit that more revenue is needed, and then act to pass legislation that enables the closure of unfair tax loopholes. Voters must support a reliable revenue stream. Until that happens, we wont be able to adequately fund education or the staff, bricks and mortar needed to implement it. Those who aren't paying their fair share in taxes must do so, an equitable capitol gains tax should be addressed to the voters (informed voters), and the ability for junior taxing districts to follow the inflationary rate in their general fund budgets must be restored. We have to look beyond our toes when making decisions about our state, least we make penny wise and pound foolish budget decisions. I will work very hard to take the necessary legislative steps needed to fix our education system funding shortfalls.
Mary Dye* House, Pos. 1 9 Unsure

I would need more information regarding the State Need Grant. I would also like to evaluate the other funding priorities of the state's universities to see if additional allocations to the needs grants could be bolstered by reallocation of funds from less important programs within the universities.

Many factors are considered when a top tier person decides to locate at a new university. I would like to evaluate some of those considerations and decide whether there are reasons that could be remedied beyond a simple pay incentive alone.

Evaluation of student and industry demand and finding alternative resources to meet these demands may find solutions that have not previously been considered. Partnering with critical industries and leveraging their resources may reduce the immediate shortages. New buildings and staffing those buildings may become the outmoded way to deliver education in the new paradigm.
Student safety is a concern following the legalization of marijuana and the increasing abuse of drugs and alcohol on our state's campuses. Also, we need a more balanced and politically neutral educational environment in higher education.
Jennifer Goulet House, Pos. 1 9 Yes Yes Yes Ensuring adequate funding for public higher education is a high priority, and in the short term I would press to see it funded as best as possible while considering the state's other pressing needs, such as funding K-12 education. In the long term, the State Legislature MUST reform our tax code to ensure all vital state services are funded. I'd work to integrate K-12 with higher education, such as having more classes available to high school students that count for college credit. Ideally, I'd like to see basic public education be considered K-14 or even K-16.
Larry Haler* House, Pos. 2 8 Yes Yes Yes Lowering tuition to 50% Students and 50% State.
Michael Foster House, Pos. 2 7 No

Government should stay out of the free market and let for profit institutions compete. Whenever government involves itself in business or guaranteed loans for higher education costs rise; this is the definition of crony capitalism. We need to free the market reducing regulation to the point where businesses and private institutions take responsibility for the products they produce or the academic education taught. The consumer should be responsible for the proper use and takes responsibility for the cost of the product

Government is not responsible for the negotiated wages in any industry.

Funding for private institutions should come from the private market, not out of the public's homes and pay checks.
Return to a free market reducing regulatory burdens currently faced by institutions and businesses.
Shar Lichty House, Pos. 2 6 Yes

I benefited from the SNG while a student during the period of 2006-10. I also support tuition free higher education for public colleges and universities.
Yes Yes Access to affordable higher education and a lack of adequate access to programs that lead to filling quality jobs.
Lynnette Vehrs House, Pos.1 6 Yes Yes

I retired early from Washington State University College of Nursing 2 years ago. In part I retired due to the poor salary as an instructor.

Phasing in more space and faculty in these classrooms is necessary.
High tuition discourages many students from starting or continuing their education. Also, high interest rates on student loans is unethical!
Jason Ritchie House, Pos. 1 5 Yes Yes Yes Providing a quality education takes access to financial aid programs, such as the SNG as well as making sure educators are receiving compensation that keeps them here. Our students and our state deserve investments into our college system and as a member of the State Legislature, this will be my priority.
Paul Graves House, Pos. 2 5 Yes Yes Yes Making sure our public universities and colleges are world-class and accessible. As a former student body president (at Western Washington University) I know how critical higher education is, and I will work to make sure it is high-performing and accessible.
James R. Apker Senate 3 No No No UW isn't on my side of the state and is not a priority for my district. I only care about my district and what my people are doing. As it sits that the instructors are greedy and demanding to much money in my opinion. They do not serve the good of the student, community or the state, in my opinion. College is a true service industry but no student is willing to challenge the instructors to put in the time with the students to ensure they and the people are getting the best instruction possible. If UW wanted to focus more funds to the student body they will take money from the sport programs and put it towards funding the over priced instructors or new facilities to fill the need of the community and state.
Andy Billig* Senate 3 Yes Yes

This is an important issue throughout state government from State Troopers to teachers to transportation engineers. I will work to achieve competitive salaries for all state employees, including faculty.
Yes There are many pressing issues but affordability and access are especially high priorities. Full funding of State Need Grants is the best first step toward addressing this priority.
Laura Carder House, Pos. 2 3 Yes

But only if it goes to those here legally who will major in something marketable such as business or engineering (STEM) rather than in liberal arts or the humanities which tend to indoctrinate more than educate. .

There are other priorities. If "high-quality teaching" promotes homosexuality and transgenderism and vilifies Christianity, and if graduates think our nation was founded as a democracy, rather as a republican form of government as stated in the US Constitution, then they are missing some of the basic knowledge needed to vote wisely.

Starting at a community college is more affordable than starting at a university, yet community colleges usually offer basic classes needed for STEM such as physics and calculus. Also, healthcare needs to focus more on nutrition than drugs or vaccines, more on chiropractic care than on surgeries, more on prevention, thus providing better health at less than half the cost.
There is too much indoctrination and not enough education. Let's teach the facts even if they are not "politically correct".
Marcus Riccelli* House, Pos. 1 3 Yes Yes

That is an issue we should be concerned with. However, to be clear, my top priorities continue to be supporting our neighborhood schools, promoting family-wage jobs, and keeping our communities safe.
Yes We must reclaiming the promise of public education. Too often, when talking about the challenges of our education system in the wake of the recession, we forget that there are many people in our community who have never been served by it, and that legacy continues. This is particularly true for communities of color, but it is also true for people struggling against other kinds of social and economic inequalities. I would say that the regional inequalities in Eastern Washington prevent many people in our community from accessing the vast networks of financial and information resources that are abundant west of the Cascades. I believe public resources should be invested fairly to reverse those inequities rather than to perpetuate the status quo. This means ensuring that communities of color and low-income communities have additional resources for early learning and smaller class sizes to help close the opportunity gap. I also believe that we need to double-down on college and career readiness support and financial aid for people in these situations to help bolster their success after high school.
Randy McGlenn II House, Pos. 1 3 Yes

These programs are part of a comprehensive plan to improve education access to all people in Washington State. I believe we should go above and beyond K-12 education and ensure that people have the opportunity to get post graduate or trade skills education to prepare them for a career that will set them on their way to a successful future. I would also work on improving cost-effectiveness of curriculum to ensure students dollars spent go further, lowering the financial burden.

It is important that our schools can compete for the brightest and most effectual talent to educate our students.

Not only do we need to provide ample class space for these courses, but we need to ensure that students graduating high school are prepared in them as well. I will work with educators and industry leaders to promote these programs and to ensure proper funding and pathways to jobs are in place to set our students up for success.
I believe the biggest issue facing Washington for higher education, is inflation. Costs are going up faster than our economy can keep up with, pushing student debt to a crippling high. We must reform education financing, and funding to drive down costs.
Amy Pivetta Hoffman House, Pos. 1 2 Yes

A college education is an asset that can never be taken from an individual and opens doors to prosperity and freedom. For many prospective students, cost is the highest barrier to overcome to get a college degree. State Need Grants are the tool that many students need to open the doors that college provides. To leave the higher education of 30,000 eligible Washington students on the table is unconscionable and funding should be prioritized to ensure opportunities are available.

Parity in faculty pay is imperative to ensuring we keep the talent for our universities in the state. UW is a world-renowned university and to neglect the salary of faculty there and our other universities will erode the quality they provide.

In order to maintain our trade position and reputation for tech innovation, our universities need to be on top in providing relevant educational opportunities for our local industries. We cannot maintain our position without providing educational opportunities in high demand fields. The current teacher shortage, for example, is only exacerbated where our universities do not have the capacity to meet demand. Washington will soon find itself in a similar position in STEM and healthcare if the lack of educational facilities isn't addressed soon.
High rates of tuition is the most important issue facing public higher education in Washington State. I graduated from UW in 2000 and staunchly feel that I received the best that Washington's public higher education system offers. Supporting our quality higher education institutions and students must be a priority for the Legislature. Funding for higher ed should be viewed as an important extension of our public education system.
Randi Becker* Senate 2 Yes

I have served on the Higher Education committee for 8 years. This is and has been a problem.
Unsure Yes

Working to fully fund the K-12 system will be the number one priority of the legislative body this year. While I would like to be extremely positive regarding the rest of the system's financial responsibility, I must be honest and see what happens in the K-12 funding.
Funding of course is always an issue. But getting students into a higher education institution and keeping them there to graduation is most important.
Mindie Wirth Senate 1 Yes Yes Yes I am a UW grad in the high tech industry, I would be thrilled to see more and more Washington students fill roles in this sector. We need sufficient capacity to meet the demand for the types of degree's employers in Washington State are looking for in potential job-seekers.
Guy Palumbo Senate 1 Yes Yes Yes

This is one of my top priorities. My friends who work in tech in Seattle have thousands of open head count they can't fill. They will hire every single UW grad from computer science. We need to open more slots.
The biggest issue is the perennial fight for funding. After cuts during the recession, we need to start investing in higher education again.
Shelly Kloba House, Pos. 2 1 Yes

Investments in education are some of the best ways to lift people out of poverty and open the door to opportunity.

With the McCleary deadline looming, we will need to make some very difficult decisions. I have been advocating for redefining and fully funding Basic Education since my daughter was small. She is now in her second year at the UW, and we are still having this conversation. Finally fulfilling our constitutional obligation will be my top priority, but know that as a parent of a college student, the issues that your organization advocates for are also very real and relevant to me.
Yes The University of Washington and other public institutions of higher education have had to do more with less since 2008, due to cuts in the state budget. It is important that the Legislature restore the level of state support that public universities had previously relied upon before the recession.
Jay Inslee* Governor N/A Yes

If we are going to keep the American dream alive, a top-notch, affordable college education must be accessible to every student. As someone who deeply believes in the transformative power of education, I see higher education playing a crucial role in giving students the tools they need to fulfill their dreams. I was proud to support decreased tuition as part of a bipartisan compromise to ensure students in both two and four year schools benefited and that it was funded sustainably in the budget. In each of my biennial budgets I have proposed increases to the State Need Grant to ensure we are serving more students and broadening access for all Washingtonians. It’s also why I fought so hard and was proud to pass and sign the Washington State Dream Act, which ensured eligibility for the State Need Grant regardless of documentation status. I will absolutely work with you and others to continuing broadening access to higher education throughout the next four years and I will absolutely consider further investments in the State Need Grant as I build my budget this fall.

I am proud that we have stopped the disinvestment in our colleges and universities and that we have taken historic strides towards making college more affordable by passing the largest tuition cut in state history. However, with unemployment near its lowest point in seven years, I believe that our higher education system must now play a vital role in helping to buffer against our economy’s boom and bust cycle. To do this we must continue building back support for higher education and deepen the collaboration between higher education and employers to build on the skillsets needed in our new economy. Part of building back that support means ensuring that there is appropriate staffing throughout our higher education system. Not only did shrinking budgets reduce the number of teachers in the higher education system, but it also led to an overreliance on adjunct positions. If we are going to attract the highest quality talent to support our students then our education system has to offer secure positions with competitive pay. I am proud to have secured pay increases for all state employees during my time as governor and I will keep working with the University of Washington and the other post-secondary institutions to ensure that we continue to recruit and retain the world-class faculty for every post-secondary path a student takes.

Absolutely. In my time as governor we have prioritized expansion for the University of Washington and invested a lot into pouring more concrete, building out more space, and providing more support for faculty and staff to help the University of Washington deal with the increased demand in these exact fields. In the 2015 budget, the University of Washington received over $100 million to support faculty and staff, and expand computer science and engineering offerings. Over $32 million was allocated for a new Computer Science and Engineering building, as well as several million for renovations to the School of Nursing Simulation Learning Lab and the design for the Health Sciences Interprofessional Education Classroom. We have accomplished a lot in four years but there is more we can and must do to recruit and retain world-class professors in these fields while ensuring there is enough space for them to teach and train students for these excellent fields of study. I will continue to work with legislators and stakeholders to build on these accomplishments over the next four years to widen the pipeline for students to pursue a career in these great fields.
Every Washingtonian deserves a high quality education from day one. I believe that no matter what path you’re on, we have the responsibility to ensure that you have the tools and skills necessary to pursue your dreams.

That is why excellence in and access to our college institutions are the primary issues for public higher education now and going forward. Keeping college affordable and well-funded so that students are not barred from pursuing their dreams and institutions have what they need to help them get there. As part of that effort, we must also continue to build on reaching a greater share of first generation students and non-traditional students.

Throughout my first term I have fought for and secured additional funding into programs like the College Bound Scholarship and the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship. Both programs that serve low-income students and help break the cycle of poverty.

The Opportunity Scholarship is the first of its kind in the nation and has demonstrated success in helping eligible students achieve their goals in pursuing a career in STEM. These students are now are earning more money than their family did at the time they got the scholarship. According to a Seattle Times article on the recent College Success Foundation survey of the scholarship “43 percent of graduates of the class of 2015 are earning between $40,000 and $60,000 a year after graduation, and 80 percent are earning more than $40,000 a year. That’s as much, or more, as the students’ average household income when they first applied for the scholarship.”

We also put a stop to the pattern of devastating cuts in higher education, and I’m proud that we have stepped up our investments to our college system over my first term. Including targeted investments in computer science and engineering, as well as establishing a new Clean Energy Institute at the University of Washington.

We are seeing the benefits of investing in our students across Washington through programs like these. We need to continue building on these successes and that’s exactly what I’ll do in a second term.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your governor these last four years. I hope to earn your vote and serve you well in the next four.

Jim Langston House, Pos. 2 1 Yes

It is a priority every willing student has the opportunity to participate in higher education. Education as a whole should be prioritized in our state.

Before increasing salaries, a focus must be made for the affordability of students.

Emphasis should be placed on the demand of skill sets our job market exhibits. It is imperative we offer these choices so everyone has the ability to be successful in their career selection.
Jon Wyss Senate 12 Unsure

I would need to review what amount of money is currently being allocated to this fund and what the total needs are for the fund. Does the fund include monies available to those under the DACA program or are those individuals left off the calculation. After having all of the numbers and facts could better answer the question.
Unsure No Affordable cost of tuition is a large challenge. Would like to look at the model being used by Purdue University under the direction of Mitch Daniels and see if that success could be modeled in our state.
Zack Hudgins House, Pos. 1 11 Yes Yes Yes If we are successful with fully funding K-12 education, and strengthening pre 5 learning with better outcomes in both - then the next challenge is making sure we have enough slots in higher ed for those students. We can't short change higher ed. It has to be part of the solution proposed. The solution is most likely a combination of new taxes and cuts, with closure of some tax breaks that do not create or maintain jobs.